The Edgerton Center fosters hands-on learning communities worldwide.

Our programs:


Through our “EdVentures” program, we’ve engaged students from the Athabascan village of Takotna, Alaska, to Beijing, Bangalore, Italy, and Spain. 

In Barcelona, we’ve hosted hackathons for seven years, inviting over 100 students annually to collaborate alongside MIT students and alumni. 

Hands On Physics Experience” (HOPE):

Our “Hands On Physics Experience” (HOPE) program, started in 2018 by Instructor Ed Moriarty, is expanding in schools across Italy. Students and alumni find these trips help them appreciate their MIT education in a global context. We extend our outreach by sharing techniques with universities and high schools globally. 

GTL Workshops:

We’re continuing to support MIT Global Teaching Labs (GTL) programs to bring workshops to students from all over the world, including Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and Germany. 

Engineering Design Workshops:
Our Engineering Design Workshops (EDW) at MIT, running for 15 years, unite local and international high school students in collaborative projects.

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