Arrangements for parking are made through MIT's Parking Office, some dates may be blocked for other Institute events. Carpooling is encouraged so that all may access parking.
MIT Parking permits can be purchased for $34.00 (or $68 for oversized vehicles such as buses and other vehicles larger than passenger vans) no less than 5 business days in advance of your visit. Credit card payments can be made below with Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Please note that a separate window will open to enter credit card information.
If paying by check or purchase order, please make payable to MIT and mail to MIT Edgerton Center | Attn: Marvelin Higginbottom | 77 Massachusetts Ave. | 10-115 | Cambridge, MA 02139
Be aware that this system works best from a computer, rather than a cell phone, when paying by Credit Card.