For Rising 9th Grade Girls
Do you like science, but maybe your grades don't always reflect it? Our four-day summer program is an on-campus, low-pressure science and engineering program for girls entering ninth grade in the fall. (We are NOT residential, so local students only, please!)
The program provides an introductory sampling of hands-on science and engineering activities mixed with high school preparatory sessions. This is a program that is centered on small group interactions, hands-on learning opportunities (with extensive materials needs) and near-peer mentoring with MIT college students. Girls build motorized LEGO® cars, experiment with strobe-light photography, “breed” with LEGO fish cells to understand the relationships between genes and traits, and more. Any girl from the greater Boston area who can commute to our program on the MIT campus is eligible to attend.
There is a suggested materials donation of $100.00.
The program runs from 8:30am- 2:30pm. Families are expected to be responsible for transportation to and from the MIT campus. Time is set aside each day for a brown bag lunch break.
Two Sessions in 2025
There will be two sessions in 2025, both with the same content. We plan on one session July 14-17*, and one session August 5-8.
* Dates have been changed, 3/18/25
Sample Schedule (from Summer 2024)

While all Edgerton Center programs are open to eligible students of any gender or race, this program is designed to encourage and support female and underrepresented minority students in STEM.