Open hours for the Spring semester start Tuesday February 13th.
See the new schedule on the calendar below.

A Makerspace before the term was invented, the Edgerton Center Student Project Lab (Room 4-409) is home to a community of students who meet to tinker, experiment, design, build, learn, and have fun while doing it!

The space is designed to provide inspiration and promote inquiry, while encouraging community and collaboration. Students have access to tools and materials to support projects that involve combinations of mechanical, electronic, artistic, and musical elements. Our space is staffed by amazing student mentors who are here to help you with your projects - from accessing and using tools to brainstorming solutions. 4-409 is open to all students during staffed and mentored hours, and 24/7 tap card access is available to anyone.


The shop is open to everyone during mentored open hours during fall and spring semesters. Stop by for an orientation, get help with your projects, and socialize with fellow makers.

A new mentor schedule will be released in the first week or two of each spring and fall semester. There are no mentored open hours during summer or over IAP. However, 4-409 remains open to students with tap access when the space is not in use by special programs - check the calendar below.

Become a 4-409 Community Member

Join our Discord Server

Chat with mentors, staff and other 4-409 community members. Often the quickest and best way to get help with projects or questions answered about suing the tools and materials in 4-409. Join us!


Get 24/7 Tap Card Access

You need to complete ALL of these steps - read carefully:

  1. complete online safety training (see details below)
  2. complete the 4-409 Shop Agreement
  3. ask for an in-person Orientation in the lab during open mentor hours (see schedule above). Orientation takes about 10-15 minutes and covers shop norms and where to find things, etc.
  4. Send an email to to request card access. Be sure to include the name of the person who gave you an orientation.

The online safety training includes 2 courses on Atlas: Intro to MIT Shop Safety Rules and Hazard Communication.  You can access these courses on Atlas as follows:

Visit  > click on Learning Center  > click on My Profile tab  > click on Join a Group button  > search for Edgerton  > select Edgerton Community Member training group  > click on Join Group button  > click on My Training Needs tab -- the list of required training will appear.

If you have already completed the courses for another lab, the completion status will be available to us when you join the Training Group.


Email us at