9 years and up.

After inspecting a “real” flashlight, students hypothesize about and draw the electrical connections in the flashlight, and what it means to have an open or closed circuit. Students design, build, and solder their own circuit (depending on availability of staff). Placing the circuit into the flashlight casing and decorating the outside provides an exciting outcome for this activity. To close the activity, students are introduced to the convention of using schematics for illustrating electrical parts.

Any children under the age of 9 who attend will not be allowed to participate in soldering due to its dangerous nature.

This activity available for distance learning, with amendments.

Massachusetts Science Standards

4-PS3-2. Make observations to show that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.

4-PS3-4. Apply scientific principles of energy and motion to test and refine a device that converts kinetic energy to electrical energy or uses stored energy to cause motion or produce light or sound.