The Combat Robotics Club is MIT’s premier destination for robot combat. We build high energy fighting machines that wreak havoc in the arena.

MIT has a long history with combat robotics. Since our start in 2001, we have been the home of many famous BattleBots teams, including Uppercut, SawBlaze, the Dentist, and Overhaul. 

Recently, in 2023, the team was restarted from scratch with all new members and designs. We now compete at NHRL approximately every two months, and will be hosting “house battles” on campus for the MIT community, and hopefully also other teams in the area. 

Despite the new team being only one year old, we’ve already built some of the most competitive robots at NHRL. From fully custom CNC machined tool steel impactors to butane-powered flamethrowers, we’re not afraid to try crazy ideas and push our designs to the limit.


Check out some highlights from our matches!

We’re open to everyone in the MIT community, regardless of year, major or prior experience. We’re entirely student-run, self-taught and highly collaborative.  Combat robotics is a great way to learn how to engineer tough, reliable, performant systems. We’ll teach you everything from CAD and FEA, to CNC Machining and Welding. 


Come visit us in MITERS or Milkdrop! We have weekly meetings during the school year. 


Interesting in being a corporate sponsor? Click here for details!



Weight Class

Design Philosophy

Competition Results



Weapon: “Beater Bar” vertical spinner, with a compact, dual redundant poly-v belt brushless weapon power system.
Drive: High performance brushless 4 wheel drive.
Chassis: Lightweight aluminum, titanium, and UHMWPE.

NHRL March 2024: Semifinalist
NHRL April 2024: Semifinalist
Qualifier for December World Championship
Ranked #15 of all time.

Phobos (minibot for ARES)

~ 9lb

Weapon: Flamethrower🔥
Chassis: 3D printed TPU to absorb big hits.

Occasionally joins ARES in the arena.



Rotates its head to swap between a vertical spinning weapon or a horizontal spinning weapon.
Upcoming hub motor weapon design.
Experimental robot (pioneering concept).


Counter Punch


Vertical spinning blade to toss opponents into the air.
Several armor packages optimize performance for every fight.

Last two SCAR events: 2nd and 4th place.
Currently ranked 13th in the nation for the 2024 season.

Meraviglioso V2


4WD vertical spinner


Traiano DHS


Overhead hammersaw


(Name TBA)


Overhead horizontal spinner



Number of Members:
35 members in 2024-2025

Team leaders:
Anhad Sawhney

Year Began:

John Hart


Upcoming Events:
We will be competing in MassDestruction in December, and plan to compete regularly in NHRL next year. An in-house battlebots competition hosted by us on MIT campus is also in the works. 

Team Website: