Christian Cardozo has been with MIT, in one capacity or another, since 2013: as a student and TA, as a lecturer at the Experimental Study Group (ESG), and—for a while—moonlighting as a teacher while working in software and real estate. After a few years off the wagon, Christian returned to MIT in 2023 as an instructor at the Edgerton Center.
Christian's passion is helping students tap into their *intrinsic* motivations for learning a subject. He believes that a love of learning is cultured when a student applies what they learn to topics they genuinely care about, outside the pressures of deadlines and exams. His master's thesis, Many Interesting Things, was the design and implementation of a course that did precisely this: teach the material from the interesting and difficult classes of MIT to first-years and without the pressure of being in those classes. The course has been taught at MIT since 2018.
In addition to first-year advising, Christian's work focuses on the Center's global outreach projects, the Engineering Design Workshop (EDW), and collaborations between Edgerton and the Institute's undergraduate programs: ESG, Interphase, MISTI, and more.
Many of Christian's wild ideas and endeavors are found on his website, christiancardozo.com